Connecting to any API with Chainlink enables your contracts to access to any external data source through our decentralized oracle network. We understand making smart contracts compatible with off-chain data adds to the complexity of building smart contracts.
Whether your contract requires sports results, the latest weather, or any other publicly available data, the Chainlink contract library provides the tools required for your contract to consume it.
DATUM only Support GET requests with uint responses currently , in the test phase
Response Types
Make sure to choose an oracle job that supports the data type that your contract needs to consume. Multiple data types are available such as:
uint256 - Unsigned integers
int256 - Signed integers
bool - True or False values
string - String
bytes32 - Strings and byte values. If you need to return a string, use bytes32. Here’s one method of converting bytes32 to string. Currently, any return value must fit within 32 bytes. If the value is bigger than that, make multiple requests.
bytes - Arbitrary-length raw byte data
There are multiple way of responses supported like :
Single Word Responses
Multi Word Responses
Array Responses
Large Responses
This guide explains how to make an HTTP GET request to an external API from a smart contract using Chainlink’s Request & Receive Data cycle and receive a single response.
Using API Oracle
First step it to figure out the JobID of the API request you wanna make , more info that can be found below depending on the type of request and response
Next for interacting with the contracts , install datum-contract and import them as follow
Check if there is a req built for your JobId by calling buildAPIRequest , if it returns a non default response , meaning there is a request built already ,
Either Call requestBuildReq , and the Oracle will build one for you , as follow
function requestJob(bytes32 _jobId) public {
Now we need to construct our request with the API Call we wanna perform , as follow
function requestAPIData() public {
//Build API Request First , check if the request
req = _apiOracle.buildAPIRequest(jobId);
// Now we need to add the path and the info , to build the Request
req.add("path", "RAW,ETH,USD,VOLUME24HOUR"); // Chainlink nodes 1.0.0 and later support this format
// Multiply the result by 1000000000000000000 to remove decimals
int256 timesAmount = 10 ** 18;
req.addInt("times", timesAmount);
apiId = _apiOracle.sendRequest(req);
The Most important part is to perfectly build the req , by adding all the parameters like , type of req , API Link , response path , and response Customisation
Detailed guide on how to create the req method can be found on Chainlink Docs , there are various examples of different API requests being made
In the backend , the tasks will be performed and the response will be stored back in the Oracle , which can be queried again as follow :
function getResult() public view returns (uint) {
return _apiOracle.getRequestData(apiId);
Full Contracts
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;
// *************************************
// * Minimum Viable API Oracle *
// *************************************
// This contract shows how to get up and running as quickly as posible with Chainlink's VRF oracle
// We will requestRandomness from the oracle and fetch it later
import "datum-contracts/interfaces/APIOracleInterface.sol";
contract APIOracleTest {
APIOracleInterface _apiOracle =
uint apiId;
bytes32 jobId = "ca98366cc7314957b8c012c72f05aeeb";
// Submit a random uint request to the Oracle
// Check if the req exists for the JobID
// List of the JobIDs could be found here :
function requestAPIData() public {
//Build API Request First , check if the request
req = _apiOracle.buildAPIRequest(jobId);
// Now we need to add the path and the info , to build the Request
req.add("path", "RAW,ETH,USD,VOLUME24HOUR"); // Chainlink nodes 1.0.0 and later support this format
// Multiply the result by 1000000000000000000 to remove decimals
int256 timesAmount = 10 ** 18;
req.addInt("times", timesAmount);
apiId = _apiOracle.sendRequest(req);
// Only in Case the JobId req is not there
function requestJob(bytes32 _jobId) public {
// Fetch the Result for the API requests
function getResult() public view returns (uint) {
return _apiOracle.getRequestData(apiId);