The OO is anoracle for arbitrary off-chain datawhich leverages an interactive escalation game between requesters, proposers and disputers and is secured by economic incentives.
There are multiple type of identifiers available like Prices , YES_OR_NO queries , Price Indexes, Insurance Claims , etc. More Approved identifiers can be found here :-
You will be working through a simple smart contract that asks the oracle the question: Q:Did the temperature on the 25th of July 2022 in Manhattan NY exceed 35c? A:1 for yes. 0 for no. After submitting the request, you will propose a solution using the UMA Optimistic Oracle UI.
Using OO v2
Start by importing the datum-contracts package
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;
import "datum-contracts/interfaces/OptimisticOracleV2Interface.sol";
Create the contracts instance with the OOv2 Oracle Contract address
// For Sepolia
oracleAddress = 0x3CBb6Dbe62CB2D2Daa2019B44d5D19C46AB9Dc45
OptimisticOracleV2 oo =
Add the identifier as what type of oracle Data you are requesting , more info on identifier is available here
bytes32 identifier = bytes32("YES_OR_NO_QUERY");
Now ancillaryData needs to be added , it depends on type of identifier , details can be found on UMA docs
bytes ancillaryData =
"Q:Did the temperature on the 25th of July 2022 in Manhattan NY exceed 35c? A:1 for yes. 0 for no."
Next , we need to create a Request to the Optimistic Oracle V2 , with bondCurrency , rewards and the liveness time using requestData .
function requestData() public {
uint requestTime = block.timestamp; // Set the request time to the current block time.
address bondCurrency = 0xB4FBF271143F4FBf7B91A5ded31805e42b2208d6; // Use Görli WETH as the bond currency.
uint256 reward = 0; // Set the reward to 0 (so we dont have to fund it from this contract).
requestId = oo.requestData(
Currently rewards are not supported via DATUM oracles, so bondCurrenct and reward needs to be default
Later , Proposer will propose the answer , and disputor might dispute too under liveness time.
You can also propose the answer yourself here
After the voting ends , settleRequest needs to be called from Oracle , to complete and get the result
function settleRequest() public {
Get request result using getRequestResult from Oracle
function getSettledData() public view returns (int256) {
return oo.getRequestResult(requestId);
Full Example Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.14;
// *************************************
// * Minimum Viable OO Intergration *
// *************************************
// This contract shows how to get up and running as quickly as posible with UMA's Optimistic Oracle.
// We make a simple price request to the OO and return it to the user.
import "datum-contracts/interfaces/OptimisticOracleV2Interface.sol";
contract OOV2Test {
// Create an Optimistic oracle instance at the deployed address on Görli.
OptimisticOracleV2 oo =
// Use the yes no idetifier to ask arbitary questions, such as the weather on a particular day.
bytes32 identifier = bytes32("YES_OR_NO_QUERY");
// Post the question in ancillary data. Note that this is a simplified form of ancillry data to work as an example. A real
// world prodition market would use something slightly more complex and would need to conform to a more robust structure.
bytes ancillaryData =
"Q:Did the temperature on the 25th of July 2022 in Manhattan NY exceed 35c? A:1 for yes. 0 for no."
uint256 requestTime = 0; // Store the request time so we can re-use it later
uint requestId;
// Submit a data request to the Optimistic oracle.
function requestData() public {
requestTime = block.timestamp; // Set the request time to the current block time.
address bondCurrency = 0xB4FBF271143F4FBf7B91A5ded31805e42b2208d6; // Use Görli WETH as the bond currency.
uint256 reward = 0; // Set the reward to 0 (so we dont have to fund it from this contract).
requestId = oo.requestData(
// Settle the request once it's gone through the liveness period of 30 seconds. This acts the finalize the voted on price.
// In a real world use of the Optimistic Oracle this should be longer to give time to disputers to catch bat price proposals.
function settleRequest() public {
// Fetch the resolved price from the Optimistic Oracle that was settled.
function getSettledData() public view returns (int256) {
return oo.getRequestResult(requestId);
In this way , you can use Optimistic Oracle V2 in simple steps , extra info is available on the UMA docs