Deploying Contracts

cd Oracle-Contract
  • Set the env Variables

cp .env.example .env
  • Add RPC_URL for your chain and PRIVATE_KEY of the wallet containing funds to deploy the contracts.

If you are running OpStack Rollup , refer here

  • Deploy the contracts

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network custom

It will log the Contract Addresses , Copy and Save it somewhere

Example message could be :

Deploying the Price Oracle V1 ...
Price Oracle V1 deployed at 0xfc6bf8AFB880c6159E7ec617BdEaFA077F4e72E3
Deploying the VRF Oracle V2 ...
VRF Oracle V2 deployed at 0x19285929B6B47386298082e6BC7e9B0a184BE0fB
Deploying the Optimistic Oracle V2 ...
Optimistic Oracle V2 deployed at 0x42F5d36Cb22f7ABB5b98eBe022AEe15F2621a20e
Deploying the Optimistic Oracle V3 ...
Optimistic Oracle V2 deployed at 0x3A6e2395Ca765Ea4443a7929316232B5E5390111
Deploying the API Oracle ...
API Oracle deployed at 0x37ba116Aa1aEdd1bCbFE4866F916FCA7B1272907

Last updated